Coming soon...

Historical Translators of Ireland

A prosopographical and bio-bibliographical study & database of translators in Irish history

Fáilte romhaibh go léir anseo. Welcome to the Historical Translators of Ireland website, with more to come as the site develops.

Despite the insular geographical position of Ireland, Irish people have come into contact with foreign cultures and foreign lands in various ways. Travel and translation are two such ways. This website pays homage to the rich and long-standing history of translation on the island of Ireland, and especially to the men and women of Ireland who wrote, edited, printed or published translations. The website project, conceived and managed by Dr Michelle Milan, is principally informed by two strands of research: her ongoing research on translators in nineteenth-century Ireland – their lives, works, networks and travels – a study which began in late 2008, and which provides most of the research findings underpinning the database; and her current EU-funded project exploring the production of translations and the proto-professionalization of translators in Britain and Ireland in the nineteenth century from a book history perspective.

The main purpose of this website is to provide a free-to-use online prosopographical and bio-bibliographical database of historical translators, which will initially focus on nineteenth-century Ireland. A secondary purpose will be to communicate information and news related to book history studies of translation and translators.

As we’re working on the first version of this website, feel free to give us a wee tweet on Twitter @translationhist

Page created on October 4, 2019.